If you are unemployed and considering acquiring new skills to get back into the workforce, you will find the following information useful.
Since 1998, many Americans have the ability to obtain training for little or no money through the Workforce Investment Act.
This is an especially useful program for the unemployed or newly separated from the Military.
- Were you recently laid off?
- Struggling to find employment?
- Do you need to learn new skills to gain employment?
- Are you considered low income or receiving public assistance?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the above, you may be eligible for the WIA assistance program for retooling skills. Here is a step-by-step approach to determine your eligibility for WIA Training Vouchers.
Step 1: Contact your Local Workforce Investment Board (for your County/Area)
Step 2: Determine Your Eligibility Criteria. Some programs may give priority to veterans, low income and recipients of public assistance.
Step 3: Research Authorized WIA Training Providers in your County/State, for specific IT courses/certifications.
Step 4: Follow Process for applying, view the website or make an appointment with your Local Workforce Investment Board.
Step 5: Collect the below documents, that may be requested:
• general information (including driver’s license or other Government issued ID, social security card, etc.)
• proof of citizenship or legal authorization to work in US
• current resume, references and samples of work
• tax returns
• most current pay stubs
• unemployment benefit documents
• termination letter or other documentation
• separation documents from the Military
Step 1: Visit: www.myskillsource.org. Click WIA Applicants on the left side of the page
Step 2: Read about the Workforce Investment Act
Step 3: View the Orientation Video
Step 4: Print the ticket at the end of the presentation
Step 5: Follow the Next Steps Guidelines listed on the website to schedule an eligibility screening appointment
Good luck!