You’re looking at your bucket list. Somewhere on it is a daunting line: Write a Book. You keep thinking, “well, someday I’ll get to it,” or “well, I just haven’t gotten an idea yet, or this one isn’t good enough.” So the project is pushed endlessly further back, back, back. Eventually you’ll forget, or your excuses will become a part of your constant mentality.
Well, there are bloggers who self publish on a basis that is nothing short of astounding. Some of their products are posted for free, some of them come at a cost. All of them are stellar, most of them will help you find your footing in your brand, business, and/or niche.
The Middle Finger Project – Ashley Ambirge
Overview: Ashley Ambirge is my personal queen of courses and content. A copy-writer of Olympian skill, she has a fiery attitude that you will never forget and consistently produces e-books and e-courses that help you focus your business and increase your client base – guaranteed. Her site goes on rants utilizing life stories, crass language, and immensely influential examples of hustle and courage.
Highlights: Ashley’s projects are incredible, each e-book and/or e-course (they often come coupled) focuses on a particular aspect of your business and how you can really kick it into the next gear. The best two examples of her immense passion and skill are her Clients + Cash program and You Don’t Need a Job, You Need Guts. These programs are a combination of drill sergeant motivation, bawdy bar humor, and wild business savvy. Client + Cash guarantees you will see new business ASAP and You Don’t Need a Job will show you how to really motivate yourself to become the best in your field.
Rajesh Setty
Overview: Have you ever considered a tech start up? Rajesh Setty is the man to know. Not only is he massively well connected in the silicon valley region, but his experience working with start ups – and founding his own – is invaluable. A well respected speaker, entrepreneur, and author, Rajesh brings a mountain of insight to the table. He sits on the board of a number of companies and is constantly producing new products.
Highlights: Two of his best are When you Can’t Earn an MBA and 25 Ways to Distinguish Yourself. I choose these two because they show the breadth of Rajesh’s subject matter. One, a slightly more technical look at how to gain practical business experience outside of an MBA and the other on ways you can truly stand above the rest.
Exile Lifestyle – Colin Wright
Overview: I went over Colin’s work in my last post, but I can’t speak highly enough of him. His work combines travel stories seamlessly with branding and networking advice that is invaluable no matter what industry you’re in. Colin runs a branding studio, is a designer, and sells graphic tee shirts all while moving to a new country every 4 months. His e-books run a gamut of topics from how to achieve his location independent lifestyle, to branding, to networking.
Highlights: Colin has a small library of 5 books and manifestos he has written, click here. My favorite two of Colin’s work are his humorously branded “The Least You Need To Know” series. How to Be Remarkable and Networking Awesomely are excellent reads that inform each other and help you form a strong personal brand and expand your leverage-able network. What’s best? Colin lets you see just how easy it all is.
Seth Godin
Overview: Seth Godin is undeniably his own brand. To list or attempt to summarize the breadth of his work would be nearly pointless. Of the 30+ products mentioned, he holds the vast majority. Then again, he may be one of the most prolific e-thinkers and writers. If you’ve ever even considered touching the blogosphere, you’ve heard of Seth Godin. He has been described as “America’s greatest marketer.” An earlier adopter, he frequently publishes through new methods and is constantly one step ahead of the curb. He writes about changing cultural mentalities, leadership, life changes, and how we interact with our ideas.
Highlights: Seth’s books are too many too mention. I certainly have yet to sift through all of them. Instead, I’ll provide two links: Free stuff and his books (which you’ll pay for).